• My last 5 consulting calls came from the following areas:

    Plano, Texas
    [imwb_cgt_cityName], [imwb_cgt_regionName]
    Chino, California
    London, England
    Vancouver, BC

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  • Archive for July, 2009

    Forget everything you think you know about MLM

    Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

    I recruited 161 people SINCE FRIDAY! All but 6 are on autoship. Give me 5-min and I will give you 500 leads you can use for your MLM and I will show you how I did it! Email me your telephone number NOW and I will call you! J.R.

    Unique Problem for MLMers and Network Marketers

    Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

    Imagine for a second that you have a very unique problem that only a small number of network marketers face: having TOO many leads! That is what happens when you order my ‘Resume Recruiting’ system from http://www.jrjackson.com – you learn how to generate hundreds (even thousands) of leads EVERYDAY! I work with people from; Pre-Paid […]

    MLM Inner Circle Members Recruit 100+ Per Day

    Thursday, July 16th, 2009

    I would like to create an “Inner Circle” of people that I personally mentor on a day-to-day basis. My immediate goal is to help these “Inner Circle” members recruit (as a whole) 100 people PER DAY! I don’t care which MLM you are with or what company you are promoting. I would need each person […]

    MY mlm blog crashed

    Thursday, July 16th, 2009

    Wow, I cannot believe that my mlm blog post have not been published for over a month. I have been so busy working with some of my students helping them create success in their business that I have been using my iPhone to publish post to my mlm blog. Well I just looked at my […]