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  • Archive for August, 2008

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    What is the difference between distributor #1 who fails and #2 who wins in MLM?

    Thursday, August 28th, 2008

    Two people join the same MLM company on the same day! 1 experiences a little success by recruiting a few family and friends and doing a few in-home meetings. After a few months (or even a year or so) they come to the realization that “maybe this business (or industry) is not for me” and […]

    Want to know your MLM Future?

    Thursday, August 28th, 2008

    Want to know your MLM future? Well read this, “if you continue doing what you’ve always done you will continue getting what you have always gotten!” Are you making 2-3 times your income with your MLM business? Are you attracting people to you because they see how successful you are becoming? Are people begging you […]

    BREAKING NEWS: J.R. Jackson is running for President of the United States

    Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

    Are you fed up with both the democrats and republicans? If so, I urge you to vote for me for President of the United States. Watch this news broadcast of me.

    Please stop being an MLM Amateur!

    Sunday, August 24th, 2008

    For all of you MLMers out there (myself happily included) Please take your business serious!!! Stop promoting a website like blahblah.mymlmcompany.com – THAT SCREAMS AMATEUR!!! Get a domain that you own and build your brand. This way (although I know we are all brainwashed into thinking we are in the #1 company, #1 team, selling […]

    Get Some Quick ‘Link Juice’ Using this Simple Technique

    Thursday, August 21st, 2008

    How would you like to get your websites and blogs indexed in Google, Yahoo and other search engines faster and with a higher pagerank? Watch this free video which will show you how to do so within seconds. If you enjoyed this video please tell me by posting a comment and I will continue posting […]

    Win People to Your Way of Thinking

    Thursday, August 21st, 2008

    Have you ever thought to yourself, “I can’t believe that person just said that.” or, “I wonder if that person knows how terrible that sounded.” The book “How to Win Friends & Influence People” is my 3rd favorite book of all time. The Carnegie Institute reports that even if your chosen profession is as technical […]

    Wow! I feel like I hit the lottery today!

    Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

    If you have read this blog for any length of time you know I share hundreds of ways to build your downline but my top 2 ways are: Resume Recruiting Downline Reports And, if you do use resumes to recruit for your network marketing company or mlm company like I do then you know that […]

    MLM Sucks

    Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

    You know what sucks (can I say that here – lol) about network marketing? You have to be NICE to people! You know who you are. You want to wear that favorite grungy t-shirt on the weekend, you don’t want to smile while standing in line at the bank or feel compelled to strike up […]

    Marketing Tip #67 – Drop Cards

    Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

    If you saw a $20 bill laying on the ground would you pick it up? What about a $50 or $100? OK, let me start by saying this can be a lot of fun! Imagine being at your favorite watering hole (mine is Starbucks in American Fork, Utah – stop by and I will buy […]

    Comment LUV

    Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

    Do you have a blog? If not you should. Today I installed the new ‘CommentLUV‘ plugin. What this does is pull a RSS Feed from your blog and will post the title of your latest blog post directly under the comment you make here on my website. What this means is I’m giving you traffic […]

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