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  • Order my Resume Recruiting System for only $35 and I will personally work with you and help you become a Top Recruiter in your MLM.

    Get my #1 recruiting system for only $35

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    Add 100+ to your team WEEKLY!

    By action | February 12, 2012

    I just spent an hour on the phone with 100+ professional networkers teaching them one of my closely guarded marketing secrets. Two of the people are owners of large MLM companies.
    I recorded the training and have 5 PDF documents that I’m going to make available. This is down and dirty “how to” information that anyone from any MLM can put to use immediately. This information is so easy to implement that there is no reason you could not attract 100-300+ people to your business THIS WEEK if you get started today!
    I’m considering having someone transcribe everything and put the audio into a tutorial that would be around 30-50 pages. I would include the audio and sell it for upwards of $100. After all, $100 is nothing if you are serious about taking your business to the next level. BUT if you want this information in it’s raw format I will give it to you for a fraction of the price.
    If you want this unedited raw training with the 5 pdf documents I’m going to make it available for the next 48-hours for only $35. After that I will not be offering it until it is all pretty and in edited format and then it will be upwards of $100.
    If you want this training TODAY you can pay one of two ways:
    PayPal $37 (email me if this is the only way you can pay)
    Payza (formerly AlertPay) $35 to action@xmission.com
    Again this information is unedited and you will be getting the 1-hour raw training and 5 PDF documents which will further teach you this technique.
    You will be able to implement this technique immediately and even if you are a complete newbie you should be able to increase your prospecting by at least 100+ next week and if you follow my instructions maybe as high as 300+ people.
    If you order right now I will give you access to one of my website systems which I will also make available for free. You do not need hosting, domains or anything else to get this system up and operating TODAY!
    To further sweeten the deal and make this a no-brainer I will even talk with you on the phone AFTER you have gone through the training so you will know 100% how to implement this technique for your existing company.
    Trust me when I say you can take your business to the next level by getting this information NOW!
    J.R. Jackson
    Your Past Doesn’t Have To
    Equal Your Future!

    Topics: Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

    4 Responses to “Add 100+ to your team WEEKLY!”

    1. SymGuy Says:
      February 16th, 2012 at 9:50 pm

      I recently purchased the resume recruiting system. I was very impressed by the webcast on how to use the recruiting system. I can’t wait to use it and use it to build a huge organization for my business.

    2. 2HZpraise Says:
      June 17th, 2012 at 4:42 pm

      My business was on life support with only 1 or 2 active out of 9 recruited. After studying the resume recruiting system,I can see that this will take years off my business building curve and revive my down-line now. Thanks for sharing!

    3. Fifty9 Says:
      November 23rd, 2012 at 3:06 pm

      Mr. Jackson
      I purchased your Resume Recruiting System. I look forward to start W-O-R-K-I-N-G It. I find your ability to get your point across with simplicity and to the point.(you talk pretty fast) keeps me on my toes. I am sure that I/we will make lots of people happy.

    4. BrianNussbaum Says:
      May 24th, 2013 at 4:02 am

      Hey JR,

      Just ordered your Resume Recruiting system last night and must say I am excited to implement it asap. I haven’t even had my first commission yet, so I’m starting from SCRATCH and look forward to providing ONGOING testimony to the success of the system. My income goal is $1,000 a day, which is only 2 sales at our middle level of $499. Just TWO a day out of the thousands of people out there.

      I’ll be back to comment as soon as possible.


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