• My last 5 consulting calls came from the following areas:

    Plano, Texas
    [imwb_cgt_cityName], [imwb_cgt_regionName]
    Chino, California
    London, England
    Vancouver, BC

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  • 3 Rules of Recruiting More People Into Your MLM

    Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

    If you have ever read my blog for any length of time you know I’m big on sharing the “how to” information on recruiting more people into your MLM business. I love talking about running ads, using resumes etc. today’s blog post is a little different. I want to give you 3 quick tips on […]

    Get quality prospects to your website within 7-minutes – THIS IS VERY COOL!

    Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008

    CLICK HERE for another method of increasing your traffic. Best part is this can increase your traffic within a matter of minutes. I was blown away with how simple this was. Enjoy, J.R. Jackson http://www.JRJackson.com

    MLM Sucks

    Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

    You know what sucks (can I say that here – lol) about network marketing? You have to be NICE to people! You know who you are. You want to wear that favorite grungy t-shirt on the weekend, you don’t want to smile while standing in line at the bank or feel compelled to strike up […]

    they sent me your check by accident

    Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

    Your eyes would pop out of your head if you saw the check that I received today! Did you know most network marketing, mlm and affiliate companies have special departments setup for people who earn over $10,000 per month? That is right, the puny checks under $10,000 in most cases are sent out normal but […]

    Resume Extractors Updated

    Friday, July 4th, 2008

    Great news! The resume extractors at http://www.trafficattack.com have all been updated. Make sure you go to Traffic Attack and download the newest extractors/scrapers. J.R. Jackson http://www.JRJackson.com

    I’m Back

    Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

    I’M BACK! I can hear the screams from uplines all over the world. While I’ve been vacationing all over the World and taking the last few months off your upline has decided to take advantage of you more then ever with nightly conference calls, weekly meetings, conventions, advance training’s etc. etc. All of which line […]