• My last 5 consulting calls came from the following areas:

    Plano, Texas
    [imwb_cgt_cityName], [imwb_cgt_regionName]
    Chino, California
    London, England
    Vancouver, BC

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  • Is it possible to recruit 600 people PERSONALLY in 1-month? Click Here to find out!

    Friday, February 5th, 2010

    Imagine a program so powerful that it could create 60,000 (or more) custom laser-targeted webpages using keywords that relate to your network marketing company and product within a few short hours. How much would that be worth to you? Well to me it is priceless! In fact, there are people on the internet RIGHT NOW […]

    Recruit More Long-Distance People Into Your MLM Business

    Friday, April 24th, 2009

    Do you have a GrandCentral (woops, I mean) Google Voice account? If not, why? If you promote your MLM business in other cities or States having a Google Voice account can be very valuable. I use my various Google Voice lines for advertising and resumes in various markets around the country. This makes it appear […]

    The Best Investment I Ever Made In My MLM Business

    Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

    I can still recall the first day I joined my first mlm company. I was over-joyed at receiving my very own web site and I was convinced that “if you build it they will come!” Boy was I wrong! I had this preconceived notion that the business would build itself, simply because I had a […]

    My Yellow Dodge Viper

    Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

    My Viper Bought & Paid For From MLM Click here to see how I recruited enough people to purchase a Dodge Viper.