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Please stop being an MLM Amateur!
By action | August 24, 2008
For all of you MLMers out there (myself happily included)
Please take your business serious!!! Stop promoting a website like blahblah.mymlmcompany.com – THAT SCREAMS AMATEUR!!!
Get a domain that you own and build your brand. This way (although I know we are all brainwashed into thinking we are in the #1 company, #1 team, selling the #1 product/service) if you decide to move onto something else you have created an asset for you AND NOT THE COMPANY!!!
I know from being in this industry for the last 15-years that chances are you (and I) will create success with a totally different company then we are with now. This go-around might be getting you ready to really knock it out of the park with your next business.
I hate to think where I would be now if I would have stayed with my last MLM company – yuck!
Be open-minded too.
I think it is funny that we call ourselves “entrepreneurs” but once we sign up (or sell out) and join an MLM then we act like that company owns us. We refuse to be “open minded” and look at anything else. Folks, that is NOT being an entrepreneur. That is being a glorified employee with a double S.O.B. (boss spelled backwards) controlling us!
Stop being a PIMPLE ON THE @SS of POVERTY and building someone elses dream. Stop “faking it until you make it” and lying to your prospect telling them how good you are doing. Just because you qualified at some lame pin level months ago does not give you the right to sucker people into your business with false promises.
If you cannot pay your mortgage, car payment or even put gas in that gas guzzler then maybe it is time for you to move onto Plan-B because guess what superstar – Plan-A is not working for you. It is only lining the pockets of your greedy ungrateful upline!
The reason I can say this to you is because even though I don’t know you I have walked in your shoes and I truly care to see you succeed – AND NOT BECAUSE YOU ARE IN MY DOWNLINE! Your upline would never tell you this stuff. They will tell you to put your nose down and get busy. Why? Because they do not care about you at all! If you quit your business they will forget your name within weeks – AND YOU KNOW IT!
Start being a true entrepreneur and create your own success! Become the kind of upline that you ‘wish’ you had! What would that “dream upline” do to create success? Find out and duplicate it!
J.R. Jackson
Topics: marketing tips | 1 Comment »
One Response to “Please stop being an MLM Amateur!”
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May 14th, 2009 at 11:45 pm
once again you are absolutely right. People that just join an MLM company for the first time feel like they “need” to stay in the company, there upline motivates them to stay. All the while there personality is not right for that company. Its like a mechanic trying to be a hairdresser, It Just Doesnt Work!
Just like JR has said if the company is not working for you dont feel like you have to stay there, Be an entrepeneur and move on to bigger and better things. Listen to what JR says, he will help you. He’s one of the good guys.