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    You snooze you lose!

    By action | September 18, 2008

    The following domains have been sold:

    MLMlc.comSOLD (MLM Learning Center) very nice short domain

    AutomatedMLM.comSOLD do you offer an “automated system” for your team? Well, let them know about it by owning this domain. Google results for “automated mlm” is 5,670.

    MLMHelpCenter.comSOLD there are so many uses for this domain. What about putting together a ‘forum’ and allowing fellow networkers to post and comment on questions. Forums are very popular and the best part is you can post ads on your forum to drive traffic to your main company.

    There are still 19 awesome names up for grab. Don’t let thesee get away from you.

    I’m also going to add the following domains up for sale:

    Zrii related domains. Many of you already know that Zrii is the fastest growing MLM of all time. Here are some domains that are Zrii related.

    zriidvd.com – what a great domain if you are promoting Zrii and want to give away or sell their DVD to recruit for your downline.

    zrii2008.com – a timely domain but very powerful.

    ezzrii.com – ‘EZ’ Zrii! How true!

    Generic Domains:

    MLMUtah.com – this one is getting some decent traffic already.

    WebpageRobot.com – great domain for creating webpages for your downline or for your company.

    Email me which domain(s) you want along with what price you are willing to pay and LETS MAKE A DEAL!


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